Advanced Analytics for SkyTrak is released

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We're happy to announce the release of our Advanced Analytics for SkyTrak, a cloud-based app that helps you analyze your shot data over time and understand your trends.

MARCH 22, 2021 UPDATE: Advanced Analytics v2 is now in beta, with support for the latest SkyTrak software version!
You'll need to be running the SkyTrak app on a Windows or mobile device to use Advanced Analytics. It's quick and easy to upload your latest session shot data file(s) from your computer or iPad to our app after each session (it takes only a few seconds).

Features and Benefits
Advanced Analytics shows you all the shot data measures by your SkyTrak unit, in addition to calculated club data like Club Speed, Dynamic Loft, Spin Loft, Angle of Attack, Swing Path, Face-to-Path, and Face-to-Target. These calculated values are surprisingly accurate. Of course, they have to assume center face contact (so no confounding gear effects or thin contact effects)... but given that assumption, it's possible to figure out what the club is doing through impact to produce any given measured ball spin and launch angles.

The app allows you to pull up any date range of shots taken by any club, and see a graph of the shots over time, along with a top-down view of the shots selected. Clicking any shot dot will display that shot's full data in the data table below the graph. You can zoom into any area of the chart by click-dragging over the area of interest, and the table of aggregate data at the bottom of the chart updates in real time. You'll see your averages, minimums, maximums, and standard deviations for every data point.

How to Get It
Currently, the software is in open beta while pricing is being determined, and anyone can ask for an invite code by emailing, and then sign up here, and look for the Analytics tab in the menu, where you will find full instructions. Any customer of Gungho Golf who purchases a new SkyTrak from us, or anyone who refers a new customer to us, will get lifetime free access to Advanced Analytics.

You can see a demo of Advanced Analytics here. Here is a screenshot from the demo:

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We know the golf sim market can be overwhelming to newcomers. We can work with any budget, and our goal is to get you set up with the best possible equipment and software at the lowest possible price. We love to talk about golf sims, and love helping folks out however we can!

Ron Hornbaker, Founder & CEO